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Re: [OT] Bogus undelivered message

On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 02:31:13AM -0400, Travis Crump wrote:
> Pigeon wrote:
> >
> >The main weakness of the system is in the key security; you can't
> >fully trust a key unless you have actually met the keyholder to get it
> >and checked that you didn't meet an impostor. This is only really
> >significant for spy-novel type situations, though, and doesn't
> >materially weaken it as a defence against spammer-type bulk abuse.
> >
> Impostor?  For a lot of people I recieve e-mail from I could care less 
> about their real world identity.  The signature tells me that the person 
> sending an e-mail is the same person who has sent me other e-mails 
> signed with the same signature.  Don't discount the usefulness of this.

I'm not discounting its usefulness - I'm just saying there is a hole
in it which is most unlikely to actually cause you a problem:

It would be possible for $CYBERSPY to crack the keyserver and replace
$CYBERPAL's key with his own, then intercept all mails from $CYBERPAL,
replace the signature and send them on. Then at some time in the
future $CYBERSPY could edit the content of $CYBERPAL's messages, or
send bogus messages purporting to be from $CYBERPAL, in order to get
you to do something to $CYBERSPY's advantage that you would not do if
a stranger asked you to do it. (Like, you don't withdraw your troops
unless you're sure the order came from the general.)

The point is that this sort of attack is not something Joe Bloggs has
to worry about. While it is easier than cracking the actual
encryption, it is still a PITA to do it properly - you need to be
Smiley's people rather than J.R. Cracker - so you need to be a person
of unusual power and influence to make it worthwhile for someone to
try and manipulate you in this way.


Be kind to pigeons
Get my GPG key here: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x21C61F7F

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Description: PGP signature

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