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Re: Need mutt explanation: "alternates"

On 03-05-24 15:40 -0400, Soren Andersen wrote:

> A mutt variable (a variable mutt knows about, that might be typically
> set in one's .muttrc file) named "$alternates", is apparently how to
> tell Mutt that you are the same person in several variant forms. What I
> need to have explained to me is whether this comes from a file (and that
> file's path is what "$alternates" is to be set to) and what the format
> of that file is supposed to be.

I posted a misleading set of alternates here (yesterday?) which I
had gotten from some .muttrc on the net & thought I had tested, but
didn't work. I hope I didn't confuse you

what I had posted was multiple 

set alternates=xxx@yyy.zzz
set alternates=aaa@bbb.ccc

lines. Maybe I lost a '.='-like operator somewhere in my many edits to
that file(?)

testing it now, it in fact was only working for the final 'set
alternates' defined. Instead the example in thread


should have read something more like this, though this is an overly
simple regexp that will allow for some inaccurate $alternates: 

set from=kenneth@ylayali.net
set alternates=(kenneth|kdombrowski|kld|ken|lists|webmaster|ebay)@(ylayali.net|nyc.rr.com|etc.tld)
set use_from                # always add a From header
set envelope_from=yes       # try & derive envelope Sender from From
set reverse_name            # return mail from the address it came to

My apologies if I confused anyone with my error. 

I hope the OP of the original thread sees this.. 


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