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Re: problem with AOL addresses

* Patrick Kirk (patrick@kirks.net) [030522 08:32]:
> AOL blocks your email if you both these conditions:
> 1. Your are sending via your own smtp server
> and
> 2. Your smtp server does not have a MX record
> AOL is not alone in this - in the UK many acedemic and scientific 
> establishments ahve a similiar rule.

Really?  Is AOL not just checking some list of known dialup/residential
netblocks?  Requiring the existence of MX RRs is just broken, by RFC

If no MX records are found, but an A RR is found, the A RR is treated as
if it was associated with an implicit MX RR, with a preference of 0,
pointing to that host.

(Section 5, Address Resolution and Mail Handling)

good times,
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."  -- Barry Goldwater 

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