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3questions: IPv6, HURD, stranded upgrade


I have been tasked to find out information in regard
of these three following issues. Please do not consider
them as troll questions. Thank you!

1. IPv6

Where to find information (URL?) about IPv6:
- the current state and the expected time when IPv6 will
  take over IPv4 (or at least when IPv6 will dominate IPv4).
- when and how to prepare: will it be a gradual change or a big
- the IPv6 development state (of Debian).

- (No offense, please) could the Hurd kernel be considered as 
  an altenative to the linux kernel?
- Will future linux kernel implement micro-kernel function;
  or is this issue just a hype/flamebait?

3. UPGRADE method
How old is to old for upgrading a debian system?
E.g. If for some reason, an isolated system is running Buzz.
Should it be scrapped (the hardware is ancient anyway), or 
should it be upgraded the "debian way".

Abdul Latip -- Angkasa Internet Junior Staff -- ANGIN.com
http://people.WebIndonesia.com/dullatip/ ----------------

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