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Re: PPP help

Brett Kelly wrote:
This is a bit of a long shot, but did you compile SLIP support into the
kernel during setup?  I did and I had EXACTLY the same issues you're

if you do an ifconfig, is the SLIP interface listed?

If you are talkng about the "S10" interface that shows up in ifconfig, this is a result of the DIALD package. It is a "serial interface" but really isn't a DIRECT result of compiling SLIP support into the kernel. All you have to do is remove the diald package and it goes away....that is if you don't want to use it. The OP indicated use of pppconfig and pon, etc. There is no need for diald then, IMHO.

I would take a look at the route command. I suspect your "defaultroute" isn't set properly. Perhaps the OP has a NIC and it is set as a "gateway" or defaultroute ??

-Don Spoon-

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