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Re: next debian stable ?

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On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 03:19:54PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> 1) The DPL should appoint a committee (yuck) which sets up "rewards"
> or "bounties" for important projects that need to be completed
> yesterday.  A little green never hurts.

You can do this.  Need something *now*?  Bribe a developer.  Generally
you won't be violating any laws, unless being a Debian developer is
part of thier official charter duties for a government or security
agency.  Expect the bribe required to be a function of the difficulty
of the bug and roughly a function of how long the bug has been open
(old bugs tend to be hard bugs).  If the devels won't oblige, hire a
consultant and submit the resulting patch.  If you want to put your
money where your mouth is, go right ahead, I won't stop you.


> 2) Debian should be more active in soliciting donations from people
> who use debian.  Redhat users seem to think nothing of paying $30 for
> a set of CDs; I bet many debian users could pitch in $5.  Corporations
> running debian could probably afford more, or even earmark monies
> towards specific projects (debian-desktop, etc.)

Debian already does.  Though it wouldn't surprise me if your
assistance in collecting on deadbeat advertisers who haven't paid to
advertise on the list is greaty appreciated.  (Read the rules, if you
want to advertise, you can arrange in advance for a minimum $1,000, or
you can just post and be billed $1,999).

> Ah, so in fact debian does have deadlines from time to time :-)

After the freeze, yes.  Because at that point things start getting
realistic to start putting down deadlines.

> 1) subscribe to d-devel, and get educated on what the issues are.

Or at least debian-devel-announce, which carries the big stories.

> 2) help out.  Test and file bugs.  Work on the installer or write code
> if you are so inclined.  Write documentation (both software and
> processes such as installation need documentation).

Subscribe to debian-boot and test debian-installer.  Speaking of
which, before I ask on debian-boot, does anybody know what net module
you need for vmware?  I don't think it's included on the
debian-installer test isos.

- -- 
 .''`.     Baloo Ursidae <baloo@ursine.dyndns.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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