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apt-get isn't doing what I think it's supposed to

I'm trying to install glitter (the news reader) on my new system. It
complains about not having gnome-libs, which is fine, as I did not
install gnome.

So I "su -", and attempted to do the following;

apt-get install gnome-libs

and I get the following;

apt-get install gnome-libs
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package gnome-libs

I grepped the /var/lib/apt/*** (i can't remember the exact path) files,
and found that the apt-get source, has gnome-libs listed.

I'm not sure what the error "E:" means, nor am I not sure why it doesn't
go out and grab the file(s) needed.


Rodney D. Myers <rdmyers@pe.net>
ICQ#:     AIM#:       YAHOO:
18002350  mailman452  mailman42_5

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a 
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
        Ben Franklin - 1759

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