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Switched from ext2 to ext3...no fsck needed after crash?

Hello all,

I just switched from ext2 to ext3 because i've read you don't have to fsck
it after a crash (power supply failure)
So I made a journal and changed in /etc/fstab the ext2 to ext3 and i've done
a reboot.

When I do mount I see /dev/hda1 is mounted as ext3.
I just want to be sure...when I get a crash and the computer resets
itself...I don't have to do a forced fsck?



/* My name is Jehovah. I have a special plan to save the universe, but
because of heavenly security reasons I can't tell you what that plan is.
Your's just going to put your faith in me, because I see the picture and you
don't. You know I'm good, because I told you so. If you don't believe me,
I'll throw you on my enemies list and throw you in a pit where Infernal
Revenue Service will audit your taxes for eternity*/

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