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localedef not generating locales anymore

Bear with me, please... I searched google, but I could not really
find anything useful. I use custom locales, such as
en_GB.ISO-8859-15 and others, which are not listed in the debconf
choices of 'locales'. Thus I create the manually with localedef.
Previously, this would put the <outputdir> I specified in the
current directory. However, that's not the case anymore. In fact,
I can't find the generated locale anymore. My libc6 is version

So /usr/lib/locale is now empty. What is really weird is that even
though `locale` shows all the different setting I have to
non-standard locales, a simple invocation to e.g. perl (5.8.0-17)
doesn't bitch about missing locales like it always used to.

This all leads me to believe that locale handling has changed.
However, browsing the changelog.Debian.gz file doesn't reveal
anything. So I am puzzled.

Could anyone shine some light on this, and possibly let me know
whether I still have to create such non-standard locales? All I want
is a British language and time format, German number, monetary and
date formats, as well as paper, name, address, telephone,
measurement, identification all in German, and all capable of
producing the Euro sign.

If I have to create my custom locales, how? Where should they go?
And why is perl not bitching anymore, even though the locales I set
with LC_* are not found on the system?

Thanks for your time!

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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