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Re: Sudden and Selective Rudeness (Was: Re: sudden (and selective) autism)

Will Trillich wrote:

On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 02:37:06AM -0400, Mark L. Kahnt wrote:
There are those that I have regularly and chronically disagreed with on
issue after issue, but I do not killfile them. Only two have earned that
over the years - Tim Martin of the comp.os.os2.* groups who runs
WarpCity.com, and seemed chronically, obsessively driven to pick fights
with anyone - usually to his humiliation (Tim liked to attack people for
posting from non-OS/2 systems when nothing else was working - only for
it to be pointed out that his "all OS/2, only OS/2" website ran on BSD
iirc.) Hell.Surfers is the other. There is nothing constructive from
either of them. :(

if you'd like some more to add to your collection, try asking a
question to the smoothwall people. instead of probing questions
or helpful nudges, all i ever got was abuse.

avoid smoothwall. they're awful people.

Hmmmm....the only one I had a problem with there was Richard, and he left Smoothwall just over a month ago. Nothing serious, just Richard being Richard.


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