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Re: DHCP client problem


--On Thursday, March 27, 2003 04:35:43 PM +0100 David Fokkema <fokkema@nat.vu.nl> wrote:
>> After this my network link goes down and comes up again with the new
>> address.
>> Any ideas what would cause the dhcpd to give me a new address instead
>> of assigning the same again?
> Are you sure there is not even a DHCPNAK received? And I'm puzzled,
> since tcpdump|dhcpdump should show you the OFFER, REQUEST and ACK for
> the new address...

I assume that these packages are exchanged right after eth0 comes up
again. Unfortunately tcpdump dies when the interface goes down and the
connection is back up (with a new address) already when I can start
tcpdump again. :-/

This is really strange behaviour. I don't understand it at all. Shutting
down your connection can only be done by your box, right? I see no reason
why your connection should be shut down, especially if your dhcp client
does not receive a DHCPNAK packet, which tells it that the current address
may not be used anymore. Are you sure your client is not dying from a
segfault or something? I really have no clue other than that it might be a
_very_ buggy client or strange server behaviour, :-(

I checked both, the server and client and none of them seem to have any problems. They neither have any segmentation faults not do they log anything interesting in the system logs. :-/

The client also had no problems before the server was replaced. :-/

Thanks for your help and ideas. Maybe I find something when I go in deeper. :-)


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