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Re: Only Modem Is Detected

nate wrote:
Joseph A Nagy Jr said:

I have a modem and a NIC. The modem is a PCI WinModem (forget brand  atm),
the NIC is a LinkSys Fast Ethernet 10/100 Network Anywhere, model  number
NC100U. I know it works as I was able to use it under RedHat. I  cannot
for the life me figure out what packages to install (other then  dhcp,
which is installed and running) to try and connect to the net via  my
router (also a LinkSys product).

that's a first. a winmodem is detected easier then a NIC ..!! wow.

I'd suggest booting redhat and do a 'lsmod' to find out what modules

Eh, unless I install RH again, I can't. ;)

are loaded, the network module will probably be pretty easy to single
out. then load that module on the debian side(modprobe module_name).
If it works then add the module name to /etc/modules to load it each
time the system starts up.

So, I just put "tulip" at the bottom of the list and that's it?

assuming the NIC is supported at all in the stock kernels. from a quick
search it may be a tulip based card, so modprobe tulip may make
the interface available.

Did that (thanks to another post in this thread, results in my reply to that one)

If you were unable to configure networking during installation then

I thought I had configured it during install.

you may need to configure that as well, a simple setup would be
to put the following line in /etc/network/interfaces :

iface eth0 inet dhcp

then run /etc/init.d/networking restart

good luck

added the above, ran above. Output:

Reconfiguring network interfaces: done

So, I ran (from /etc/init.d/)
#./networking stop
Reconfiguring network interfaces: done
#./networking start
Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
Configuring network interfaces: done.

Then I ran
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
UP LOOPBACK Running MTU:16436 Metric:1
RX packets:612 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:612 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisons:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:42996 (41.9KiB) TX bytes:42996 (41.9 KiB)

I then ran
#ping www.hotmail.com
ping: unknown host www.hotmail.com

I'm reading ftp://ftp.scyld.com/pub/network/tulip.c right now.


Let me meddle not in the affairs of Linuxen
For I am an idiot and will toast my boxen.

Your hotspot for Wireless in HSV, AL

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