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Re: DHCP/DNS assistance

Russell Zauner said:

> I set up DHCP and faked it out so that it doesn't gripe
> about eth0 not having a subnet config (hours of study and
> trial...there's supposed to be a simple config setting for
> this, but it didn't work for me and I couldn't find any of
> the files or directories that were pointed out in all my
> searches)

I do this on my systems: in /etc/init.d/dhcp I change it so it

		echo -n "Starting DHCP server: dhcp"
		start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $DHCPDPID \
			--exec /usr/sbin/dhcpd -- -q eth1

somehow the INTERFACES variable at the top of the script does nothing
for me, but the above works for my network..

> and I can hand out addresses and connect via
> TCP/IP.  FTP, telnet, ssh, all work just fine.  But the
> clients can't resolve hostnames.  Do I need to fully set up
> and run a DNS server or can I forward requests to the stuff
> that's configured on eth0?  I tried setting the client's
> gateway to various points but it didn't seem to help.
> Likewise for the DNS servers.

If you want a "proper" network config I would reccomend running an
internal DNS, assigning each system forward and reverse entries. I
assign IPs based on MAC address so my machines can use DHCP but still
have static ips. My DHCP config:

option domain-name "aphroland.org";
option domain-name-servers;

shared-network aphroland {

  option subnet-mask;
  default-lease-time 60000;
  max-lease-time 720000;

  subnet netmask {
	option broadcast-address;
	option routers;
	option netbios-node-type 8;
	option netbios-name-servers;

host defiant {
  hardware ethernet 00:60:97:EF:DB:0B;
  fixed-address defiant.aphroland.org;

host aphro {
  hardware ethernet 00:90:27:9B:16:D6;
  fixed-address aphro.aphroland.org;

(bunch more static entries designated below here) I run 3 nameservers
on my home network, 1 on my internal network and 2 on my external
network. My internal one runs a copy of my aphroland.org domain, with
the internal addresses as well as the external addresses. the external
nameservers run the same domain with only the external addresses, since
the internals are not reachable from the outside, no point in serving
up their DNS info to the world. My internal DNS forwards to one of my
external DNS for other queries, and that setup seems to work well. I
just have to remember to update 2 zone files and restart 2 copies of
bind when updating that particular zone if I'm adding a new external
host, or update one copy if I'm adding an internal(then theres the
updating of the reverse zone file as well).

this is not required, but will make things in general work better, linux
systems rely heavily upon DNS for many things, and if the DNS config
isn't good enough(e.g. no reverse, or forward/reverse do not match) many
things may not behave as expected.

> It also occured to me that since  a lot of the network
> configs seem to default to eth0 that maybe I should serve
> from there and configure eth1 as my external connection
> (they are identical adapters), but I was worried also about
> possible issues because of same reason.  If something gets
> funny, it will get at eth0 first.  I'd like that not to
> happen.  Probably a minor concern, though.

not exactly sure what you mean here. for now don't worry I guess:)

> Anyhow, that's probably way more than I needed to say,
> thanks for putting up with the length, snip at will if you
> even got this far!

good luck!


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