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Open Office 1.0.2 formats differently on different OSes

I am using Woody with kernel 2.4.18.
This was added to my sources.list so I can apt-get Open Office.

deb http://ftp.freenet.de/pub/ftp.vpn-junkies.de/openoffice/ woody main contrib

It is an unoffical package, yes, but this problem exists on my friend's Gentoo box as well.

Basic problem: The formatting of the page is different in Open Office for Windows than from Open Office for Linux.

I have a two page document that I created on my Debian GNU/Linux system, and at the top of each page I have the words "Truman County." These are in the document body and are not headers (nor do I want them to be).
At the bottom of the first page, I have a table.

When I sent the document to my roommate, who is running Windows 2000, he opened it in Open Office and there were formatting problem:

It was now three pages, and the table on the first page now spanned to the second page. Naturally the "Truman County" was not at the very top of the document anymore.
This pushed the bottom of the second document onto a third page.

I asked a friend of mine who dual boots between Windows and Debian as well, and he found the same problems.

Then just to be sure it wasn't Debian, I asked my friend who runs Gentoo, and he saw that Open Office rendered it just fine. He didn't have Windows to test it on, but the point is that it probably is not just the Debian package that is causing the problem.

Has anyone else had problems where Open Office for Windows and Open Office for Linux render the same file differently? Is it a font installation problem, or some settings in Open Office? I tried to look up what I could, but msttcorefonts was the only information I found about it.


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