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Re: Explorer-type file manager

-- Bill Moseley <moseley@hank.org> wrote
(on Monday, 17 February 2003, 03:54 PM -0800):
> Trying to ease the transition to Linux for the family, I'd like a
> MS Windows-like Explorer file manager, both in look and usage.
> Not that icon view, just the plain old "Explore" with directories
> on the left and directory contents on the right.  And where I can
> configure what mouse buttons do for each file type (e.g. right click on
> .mp3 and select from menu xmms play, xmms queue, or mpg123, or scp to
> some set machine).  Also click on column titles to sort by that column.
> Window manager is icewm.

As long as you have the right libraries installed (which apt will
automatically take care of), you should be able to run any filemanager
you can find -- the window manager is simply there for just that:
managing windows.

> I like Rox and FileRunner and a few others, but this is a case where I'm
> trying to make it feel a lot like Windows.

Some specific suggestions:
    konqueror (the KDE filemanager/web browser)
    nautilus (GNOME filemanager -- also web browser, as it utilizes

You might also look into purchasing a copy of Xandros, which is a
debian-based distro; the reviews I've read of the Xandros File Manager
(called xfm, but not to be confused with another filemanager by that
name) make it sound like it's several steps beyond either of the above,
and perhaps even less memory/CPU intensive. You'd be in a familiar
environment (as I noted, it's Debian based), but have a very
Windows-esque environment.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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