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Re: I will never go back to RH

will trillich said:

> isn't redhat implementing apt-get on their stuff these days?

not that i've seen. I don't count up2date as an apt-get replacement
since it only (appears) to track installed packages.

there's a port of apt-get of course, but without a good archive
to back it up, it's usefulness is limited.

I migrated the company I last worked at to debian, didn't take too
much convincing, when i started, nobody knew debian, some had heard
of it, but nobody had used it. By the time I left, most everyone
loved it. the 'fakeroot' package was an especially good hit with
some of the developers.

my favorite quote from my former boss:

(sees redhat CVS machine booting up)

boss: "what's that?"
me: "redhat"
boss: "screw that!"


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