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Re: I will never go back to RH

* Jeff Elkins (jeffelkins@earthlink.net) [030214 21:05]:
> After less than a week with Debian, I'm simply astounded at the power of the 
> apt pkg managment system. I'm in the middle of compiling KDE3.1 and when I 
> come up with a missing part, apt-cache search, apt-get install and BAM I'm in 
> business. No RPM searches...god what a blessing!  

It only gets better from there, trust me.  I think apt is one of the
highly-visible features that attracts people to debian.  Policy is the
real gold that makes the lifers.  Once you start to learn more about the
system, you realize that it's the most coherent, well-thought-out system
out there.  The people who make the decisions aren't concerned with
gloss or deadlines, rather they're just geeks building the system the
way it should be built: down to academic debates (and flamewars) over
even the smallest system organization decisions.

With so many organizations using Red Hat for everything, it's hard to
explain why Debian is a better choice, since the benefits are most
easily seen long-term.  One, for example, is that there is no need for
reinstalls; the system just keeps working.

Any way, enough evangelizing for tonight =)

good times,
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The
latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to
hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
-- Albert Einstein

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