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Re: Curious...Are most of you in tech-related careers/schooling?

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 14:09, Jeff wrote:
> Scott  --sidewalking--, 2003-Jan-16 16:30 -0700:
> You'll find that the biggest commonality among Linux users is their
> love for Linux.  Reasons and backgrounds vary widely.  This should

Or the desire to have a real workstation/server-class OS for a
reasonable price on modern, inexpensive h/w.

I'd rather use VMS on a GHz-class Alpha w/ a GB RAM and a couple
of 72GB SCSI disks, but, unfortunately, that's way beyond my budget.

OS/2 Warp 3 was great, but I forsook it for NT3.51 when it "was
not popular enough".  Won't make that mistake again!!!  Besides,
Linux *is* becoming popular enough...

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     mailto:ron.l.johnson@cox.net          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA   http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson  |
|                                                            |
| "Basically, I got on the plane with a bomb. Basically, I   |
|  tried to ignite it. Basically, yeah, I intended to damage |
|  the plane."                                               |
|    RICHARD REID, who tried to blow up American Airlines    |
|                  Flight 63                                 |

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