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Re: Optimizing Debian

    "javier" == fajavilc  <javier> writes:

    javier> Hi, I am a new Debian user. I used to work in Mandrake and
    javier> there the x86 packages are compiled for i586, while in
    javier> Debian they are compiled for i386. From my experience, I
    javier> know you can improve the performance recompiling the
    javier> kernel for your particular machine architecture, but I am
    javier> not sure about how much you will improve the overall
    javier> performace recompiling also some of the packages (as for
    javier> example glibc). I would like to know how you expect this
    javier> to affect performance in new computers with PIV and
    javier> AthlonXP processors.

Debian does not support this out of the box. Only kernels are built to
be x86 architecture specific at this time. As a new user who wants the
feature you will have to help out if this ever makes it into Debian. A
first step would be to develop a benchmark for measuring system
performance, measuring performance on the standard Debian install,
then building an architecture specific installation (from source
.debs) and measuring performance again. If the gain is good, and the
benchmarks are widely accepted in the community, you might get this
started. But you (or someone who wants the feature) need to "scratch
the itch"......

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