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amavis logging

I've recently installed and configured amavis-postfix and essentially
have it working as it does catch viruses and lets the good mail go

However, for every email that comes through, it is creating a log file
in the form of a directory called 'amavis-2002....." with contents
'email.txt' and sub-directory 'parts'.  For example:

sumida:/var/lib/amavis# ls
total 24K
drwxr-x--- 3 amavis nogroup  4.0K Nov 25 10:58 amavis-2002112500-20190/
drwxr-x--- 3 amavis nogroup  4.0K Nov 25 11:03 amavis-2002112518-20193/
-rw-r--r-- 1 amavis root      11K Nov 25 10:26 amavis.log
drwxr-xr-x 2 amavis root     4.0K Nov 25 10:40 virusmails/

How do it turn this logging off and set it to something more reasonable
that won't create a huge mess?  I've tried various permutations for the
settings in /etc/amavisd.conf, but haven't hit it right yet.


Below is an except from my /etc/amavisd.conf.

# Part II - Logging

# Create debugging output - yes: log to stderr; no: log to syslog/file
# $DEBUG = "no";  # uncomment to override the default in amavisd

# yes - syslog, no - file logging
$DO_SYSLOG = "yes";

# Directory to put log entries (if not using syslog)
$LOGDIR = "/var/lib/amavis";
$LOGFILE = "amavis.log";

# 0: startup/exit/failure messages, viruses detected
# 1: args passed from client, some more interesting messages
# 2: virus scanner output, timing
# 3: server client
# 4: decompose parts
$log_level = 0;

# customizeable template for the most interesting (e.g. with $log_level=0)
# log file entry - overrides default.
#   (take care to properly quote Perl special characters like '\')
$log_templ = 'infected ([%V|,]), from=[?%o|(?)|<%o>], to=[<%R>|,][? %q ||, quarantine %i]';

# Net::Server pre-forking settings
# You may want $max_servers to match the width of your MTA pipe
# feeding amavisd, e.g. with Postfix the 'Max procs' field in the
# master.cf file, like the '2' in the:  smtp-amavis unix - - n - 2 smtp
$max_servers  =  4;   # number of pre-forked children
$max_requests = 10;   # retire a child after that many accepts

$child_timeout=3*60;  # abort child if it does not complete each task in n sec
Kevin Coyner
mailto: kevin@rustybear.com
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