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true type fonts

Hi folks,
I have been trying to setup truetype fonts on my box. I did find good doc
I searched on google and did follow the instructions to the dot. save for
the simple fact that /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype is a link to
/usr/share/fints/ttfonts I am not sure as to how to verify if all the fonts are working. xset q shows /usr/share/fonts/ttfonts so I guess it there in the path.
and /XF86Config-4 does have /usr/share/fonts/ttfonts as the first line in
the fontpath
But how do I verfiy if the applications are are actually able use these
fonts. I did not check the list of fonts before installing the ttf fonts
from Windows 98 fonts dir, so I am cannot compare to know what was there and
what is there now.
Another trivial question how to do I universal copy paste enabled in KDE
that is copying pasting between different applications.
Like I try to copy the urls from konquerer to mozilla or i copy a message
that i recieved in yahoo messenger to kword and stuff.
I would appreciate if someone could point to some docs that I can read to
set this all up.
thank you

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