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Re: which anti-spam tool?

hi ya

best way to fight spam..
	- get an MTA that you can control ...
	( get a domain name ... $9.00/yr
	( get a server ( your pc using fetchmail/mutt even ) )

	( using fetchmail is too late to stop spam ..

- you are already confirmed and added to toher spam lists
  if the spam is received by uyour isp or your mta/pop servers

- since you are doing the fetchmail method, you will need filters

- stop spam at the router/firewall
	- block by country tld if you dont need those incoming
	mail from *.foo domains

- stop spam at the mta ( sendmail, exim, postfix, etc )
	- i want the spam to bounce back to the spammer and 
	clutter their logs w/ bounced messages and their own spam

- stop spam at the pop server
- stop spam at user level
	- stop spam and virii and fun stuff... 
	( good time killers - but ya learn a lot  )

more itty-bitty antispam fun

c ya

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Robert Ian Smit wrote:

> Because of the increasing amount of spam I receive, I want to do
> something about it.
> I know spamassassin by name. I believe the version in stable is
> quite old. Is it useful to install that version? What other tools
> should I consider?
> My setup: fetchmail -> exim -> procmail (-> mutt)
> Ideally I'd like something that I setup once and then runs without
> intervention required.
> Bob
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