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Re: home ethernet IP addresses

    "Jeff" == Jeff Maxson <jbmaxson@surfglobal.net> writes:

    Jeff> Summary: which FM should I RTFM at this point?  I know there
    Jeff> is a "printing howto" which I will get to later, and there
    Jeff> is an SMB howto, which I have also perused.

The FM you need is 'man interfaces' and 'man ifup' (these are pretty
Debian specific). I have not used etherconf, but if you read these FMs
you probably won't use it again!

If you edit the interfaces file, do (as root) "/etc/init.d/networking
restart" and your new file settings should take.

I'm keeping this brief because some of the other replies on this
thread have relevant details, not to be patronizing. Besides, you
offered to RTFM ;-)


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