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Re: The Real Problem With Debian

Dear Rick,

To bad Debian didn't work for you, but everyone should understand that Debian
isn't made for John Doe, it's (generally) made for the powerusers/developers who
want complete control over their systems. 

It is easy to say Debian doesn't work, but be honest and say that it doesn't
work for you. 
You are perfectly right that Debian has a learning curve that is steeper than
your regular RH/MDK-distro, but for some people other things matter, like
stability, control and flexibility. 
These people are content with Debian. Other people like a flashy UI. They may
try Debian but find it's not their cup of tea. Great, now lets respect each
others distro and respect the thousands of hours people put into it and the
choices that they make. 



GPG: 1024B/94C5FD4B Wouter Alexander de Landgraaf 
(Alextreme :: am.xs4all.nl) <alextreme at xs4all.nl>
ICQ: 31162909
IRC: #debian/OPN, irc.xchat.org

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