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Re: Mozilla 1.0 issues on debian 3

> How exactly did you install it?  Did you install with a root-owned
> mozilla or did you give yourself write permissions to the chrome
> directory as well as /var/lib/mozilla/?  If you installed as root, do a
> reality check on the permissions of the files installed into chrome.
> I've had xpi's decide to install files as 400 owned by root.  If you
> installed as regular user only having write permissions to the chrome
> directory, it may have failed silently.  While debian's setup makes more
> sense from a file system layout perspective, it isn't the standard
> layout.

For the debianized mozilla, neither, I was running as non root and
assume I did not have write access to /var/lib/mozilla. as the
mozilla installed in ~/moz, I installed it as my uid so I have
full write access. I can try to install it as root and see what

in any case, that toolbar isn't quite as handy as being able
to search google from the url bar(in opera it has a dedicated search
box for the search engine). any ideas on that one?

thanks for the reply, sorry for the late reply, some crazy stuff
has been goin on at work this week.


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