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Re: Printing in Debian: no results

On Saturday 17 August 2002 03:35 pm, S. C. Linnenbringer wrote:
> I'm having a tough time setting up printing in Debian. I have a cheap
> Lexmark Z22, and I am using CUPS to set it up. I have configured the
> printer, and the CUPS web interface states that "lp" is idle and accepting
> jobs, but whenever I send a test page the printer hangs and doesn't respond
> as if nothing is being sent. Since I have very little knowledge of setting
> up a printer in Linux, I don't understand where to start troubleshooting
> this. Sorry for the lack of detail.
> My printer is connected via a parallel port and I am running woody 3.0r0.
> What should I be looking for?

If I'm not mistaken, the Z22 and Z32 use the same drivers which may be found 
at lexmark.com in .rpm format (lexmarkz22-z32-1.0-5.i386.rpm) which will 
alien out to a good .deb, but there is where my troubles started.

I have a Z32 and I tried just about everything in the world for the last six 
or seven months to get it to work under Debian. CUPS, lpr, pdq, etc, and had 
no luck, even though it would set up and run perfect under Mdk, (CUPS and 
PDQ) until I happened to run across a bit of info at the following that was 
posted to this list some time back.


I followed all his instructions on changing the permissions, printcap, etc. 
and am running it USB and having no problems. Thanks to Mr. Steffen Evers, 
who ever he may be. ;-) 

Hopefully this may help.


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