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Re: PDFLatex with included graphics

Neilen <nmarais@hertz.ee.sun.ac.za> writes:

> \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}

Problem.  It should be \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} when using
pdftex.  Also, add


to your preamble.  You'll like the results.

> Oh, and one other question.  Is there any inherent advantage to using
> pdflatex instead of dvips -Ppdf, then ps2pdf?  Both give you good
> looking screen output...

Well, you do it all in one shot, and you get better PDF output if
you're using old versions of gs.  I generally use pdftex for my PDFs,
but I use ps2pdf if I need pstricks.

pdftex does have some nifty things that normal tex doesn't have....

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
What's this I hear about van pyres and wooden steaks?

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