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Re: should . be followed by doublespace?

Daniel Barclay wrote:

> > From: Craig Dickson <crdic@pacbell.net>
> > ... (Just for the
> > heck of it, I have just glanced at random pages of ten different books
> > that happen to be in the same room with me at the moment. Nine of the
> > ten do not have extra space between sentences. Of course, ten books is
> > not a large sample, but even so, 90% isn't bad.)
> Also, some books are no longer professionally typeset, but written and
> published using word processing programs that might not follow
> professional editorial or format standards.

However, several of the books I was looking at (not including the one
out of ten that actually put extra space between sentences) were printed
before 1980 (in a couple of cases, even before 1970), so modern word
processors presumably were not involved in their typesetting.


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