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OoO En ce doux début de matinée du lundi 05 août 2002, vers 08:50,
"Patrick Kirk" <patrick@kirks.net> disait:

> Be warned.  If you need emergency access to your system, all the usual
> suggestions about entering 'Linux emergency' or 'single' or even '1' at
> the boot prompt do _not_ work with grub.  With grub, you have to learn the
> syntax and its no walk in the park.  In my case it proved easier to open
> the case and pull the second IDE cable to force Debian to grant me root
> access before running init scripts.

Use "e" to edit the entry you want to use and add "single" or
"init=/bin/sh" to the kernel line of this entry. You can create a
permanent entry with this on the menu.lst (and protect it by password
if you want).

Just read the doc, it is not very long and it is very powerful in case
of emergency.
Write clearly - don't sacrifice clarity for "efficiency".
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plaugher)

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