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Kent West said:
> I tried GRUB tonight for the first time. I'm not sure that I see any
> great value of it over LILO. However, if that's going to be the wave of
> the future, I might as well get started with it. So, my question: Are
> there plans for Debian to adopt GRUB as the preferred boot loader in the
>  future?
Be warned.  If you need emergency access to your system, all the usual
suggestions about entering 'Linux emergency' or 'single' or even '1' at
the boot prompt do _not_ work with grub.  With grub, you have to learn the
syntax and its no walk in the park.  In my case it proved easier to open
the case and pull the second IDE cable to force Debian to grant me root
access before running init scripts.

I switched back to lilo after that.  Grub may well be technically
superior, but if your system is having problems you do not want to have a
bloody boot loader that doesn't offer an _easy_ emergency boot procedure.

Patrick ('What me annoyed with grub?') Kirk

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