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On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 12:18:46AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> I tried GRUB tonight for the first time. I'm not sure that I see any 
> great value of it over LILO. However, if that's going to be the wave of 
> the future, I might as well get started with it. So, my question: Are 
> there plans for Debian to adopt GRUB as the preferred boot loader in the 
> future?

I don't know what the plans are for the preferred boot loader, but I
think its worth it just to not have to remember to run LILO every time
you change the config file.

I've got a question too.  I've got a running Debian Woody box under
LILO, how do I go about changing from LILO to GRUB?   I think I
installed GRUB, but it just installed the files without causing LILO to
be replaced.

- Chris

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