Re: Was demographics of deb-users Is Spamhandling of non Western.. etc
Dan Jacobson wrote:
> Joey> [1] Which is at least better than the people who blackhole south korea
> Joey> because "they're all spammers", and then wonder why they're unable
> Joey> to communicate with certian debian develpers.
> And those western culture snobs who send me personal email and which
> then bounces when I reply getting "Sorry, we don't accept mail from
> [shudder] Taiwan Spam ISPs", as the window rolls up and their
> chauffeur drives away.
Question may also be if it's also considered to be snobish to refuse to accept
any mail from western european sites, like (see debian-security
this week, etc, etc) just because it happens to end up in a debian mailing
list ?
Where is the balance here?
/regards daniel mose
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