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Re: demographics of debian users (was: ratio of male vs. female debian users)


I usually agree with your moderate view on many topics but the following
one, I think, is not politically correct attitudes to my eye.  This may
not be something you intended to do.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 12:58:09AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 06:55:58AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> > Joey Hess wrote:
> > Joey> [1] Which is at least better than the people who blackhole south korea
> > Joey>     because "they're all spammers", and then wonder why they're unable
> > Joey>     to communicate with certian debian develpers.
> > 
> > And those western culture snobs who send me personal email and which
> > then bounces when I reply getting "Sorry, we don't accept mail from
> > [shudder] Taiwan Spam ISPs", as the window rolls up and their
> > chauffeur drives away.
> I prefer filtering mail based on the character set, which I think is
> much more reliable. After all, even if somebody did send me an e-mail in
> Korean, I'm not going to be able to read it.
> SpamAssassin takes care of enough of the rest that whatever does slip
> through doesn't bother me too much, and I filter rather than bounce so
> that I can deal with the very occasional false positive. That said,
> these two rules haven't had any false positives for me yet:
>   # TODO: If this works, /dev/null?
>   :0:
>   * ^Content-Type: .*charset="?ks_c_5601-1987
>   spam

I do not think this is right thing to do.  This is as bad as filtering
by domain name etc.  (I understand that this prevents many spams with
minimum CPU cycle.)

>   # Apparently this is a legally-required Korean tag meaning "hello, I'm
>   # spam." For once, I'm going to believe the spammers.
>   :0:
>   * ^Subject: (.?±¤°í|.*±¤°í.?$)
>   spam

I use similar high bit filter mechanism and it captures all Korean Spams.


Difference is the former will catch legitimate postings which use only
ASCII code and is from a user who uses Korean version of windows MUA

Whether you use high-bit or not, stupid windows client tends to label
mail with local encoding (This is version dependent behavior.)
Kindness to those poor people who happens to use windows may be
desirable :)

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +++++
 Osamu Aoki @ Cupertino CA USA
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 I welcome your constructive criticisms and corrections.

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