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a diet "apt-get update": just version numbers?

Is there any way to get a concise list of all current version numbers
(say, for woody), e.g.,
aegis-doc 4.2-1
aegis3-doc 3.29-1
aime-doc 0.60-1
aleph-doc 0.8.1-5
alml 2002.03.04
anarchism 9.5-1...
probably like http://packages.debian.org/testing/allpackages.html
(which I haven't seen yet because it took longer to download than my
modem session),
except that it is minimal: not HTML (so that I can even download it
over my tiny modem costly phone, yes I know about lynx -dump), and no
descriptions.  Something like a, let's see, under 50K download.

You see, I plan to write a script that will compare this list with
e.g., apt-show-versions output, as a lightweight way of tracking the
latest versions.  Much more slim and trim than a "apt-get update",
(though perhaps missing a dependency change or two).
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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