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Re: Where is Debian going?

Debian User wrote:

Debian needs a slightly different cycle:

Unstable (bleeding edge) ~~~> Testing (mostly useable) ---> Frozen (No packages may be added beyond security updates. This branch is being prepared for release) ----> Stable (Rock solid. End product).

'~~~>' means packages trickle down when ready. '--->' means the entire branch moves down as a whole.

Why? 1. There are many, such as myself, whose only contribution is testing. This may be for many reasons not necessarily related to skill level. Personally, I only have time to do testing. I don't have time to deal with troubleshooting unstable (I've followed unstable in the past)

2.  The Debian cycle needs to stay moving at all times.

3. Testing has proven itself, in practice, to be the branch of choice for one desiring to stay modern. If it gets frozen that causes many problems including the above mentioned ones.

P.S. I like the names. They make Debian more fun. It's possible to have explicit apt sources in /etc/apt/sources.list and follow a distribution all the way from unstable to stable without changing the apt sources. IMHO, that's neat.

Oh, I left out one important thing. There needn't always be a frozen branch. Only times like these when people like me without the time to deal with unstable are left unutilized. I started out only using stable, then I started using testing when it came into being. When I get more time, I may actually follow unstable on a regular basis. Then ultimately I may become a developer. So you see, there may be more than one cycle at play here.

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