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Re: Where is Debian going?

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:03:17 -0500
"Jamin W. Collins" <jcollins@asgardsrealm.net> wrote:

>  I see potato as a release for servers and other mission critical systems. 
>  As such, I don't see much if any need for an X install on these.

That's the problem. It seems that in Debian stable=server. It's the same
thing with posters who say they won't touch linux 2.4 because it isn't
stable, when by stable they mean being able to run a system for one year
without a reboot.

Maybe instead of stable, testing, and unstable, we can have: server
(must be stable), desktop (with newer but not bleeding edge stuff) and
developer (because they're the ones who're in the best position to fix

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