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Re: Ext3 or XFS (or none)?

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 14:22, nate wrote:

> i reccomend reiserfs. i use it because its compadible with 2.2.x
> kernels which i use.  ext3 i think is in alpha for 2.2.x kernels
> at best last i checked, and xfs not supported at all.

When I used reiserfs on a 2.4 kernel, it caused huge amounts of problems
with NFS. This was kernel < 2.4.8, so it may have been fixed now. But,
at least at that time, reiserfs+NFS=constant filesystem corruption.

I switched to XFS, and that solved most of my NFS problems, except for
an occasional hard server crash when my wife's laptop would unsuspend.
The server would go into a cycle of crashes until I would take the
laptop off the net, then the server could get started again, and I could
bring the laptop back on and everything would work. The logs pointed to
XFS, so I switched to ext3 and haven't had any NFS problems any more.
The XFS problems were around 2.4.12 - 16. 

As I say, all of the problems may have been fixed by now, but I don't
feel like backing up my systems to change filesystems again to find out.

If you take NFS out of the picture, I've tried both Reiser and XFS and
never had any other problems with them.

> when 2.4 is more of a stable platform(not changing as much) maybe
> around the start of '03 i'll start testing it and migrate some
> systems .......(hoping)

There hasn't been a new 2.4 release in nearly 5 months; how much more
stable are you hoping for? I'm running 2.4.18 on many production
machines and haven't had any crashes attributable to kernel bugs (other
than XFS or Reiserfs).

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
dave@rudedog.org | http://www.rudedog.org/ | ICQ:161669680

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