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Re: Need web server recommendation

On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 04:56:02PM -0500, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:

| Two problems:
| 1) It won't accept the email address in the "From:" field that I'm trying to
| subscribe from, glen@fcwm.org.  Instead it subscribed my
| username@canonical.machine.name - glenlee@hope-in-christ.fcwm.org.

It probably took the envelope sender as the subscriber address.  You
should be sending the proper envelope sender in the first place.  If
you are using the default debian setup with exim, just put

glenlee: glenlee@fcwm.org

in /etc/email-addresses and exim will rewrite the envelope sender to
be the proper address.

| This means that I can only post from this username at this machine.
| That won't work, because I'm liable to post from any of the machines
| I happen to be working on at the time.  Now I have to remember which
| list I've subscribed to from which machine.

With that rewriting in place (which any non- internet-mail-host
machine ought to be doing anyways to provide a correct envelope on the
messages) you won't have that problem.
| 2) Regarding the spam problem, it's blocking my mail as spam because
| I don't have the "Reply-to:" field filled out.

They really block based on that?  RFC (2)822 doesn't require a
Reply-To: address.  Are you sure the appearance of that requirement
isn't really caused by something else and might be related to #1?

Try fixing that envelope problem above and see if it solves the rest
of your subscription problems.



He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
        Proverbs 13:20

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