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How to setup different permissions for proftd

Hi all,

Still setting up my debian system :)

I have to setup the proftpd server allowing users from the group 'ftp' only
to acces the ftp directory, and other users to access their home-dirs and
the ftp directory.

I've created the dedicated ftp users and put them in the group 'ftp' they
are chrooted in the ftp dir when they login, so this is ok. Now, when the
"normal" users login, they start in their home-dir, and can browse my whole
server! This is not what I want :)

How can I arrange that the normal users only can see their home-dirs and the
ftp dir ? Do I need to create an extra group for them ? Please see my
proftpd.conf below:

RootLogin off
DefaultRoot /ftp ftp
WtmpLog on
UseFtpUsers on
#AllowChmod off
RequireValidShell off
AuthPAMAuthoritative on
AuthPAM on
DefaultChdir ~

<Limit ALL>
Allowgroup ftp
Allowgroup users

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