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Re: New Debian user - a bunch of problems

Hello Gerhard
gerhard came to use his tongue on Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 01:11:02AM +0200
> I want to install scribus-0.7.3.tar.gz debian-like.
> Is there a way with apt-get? Or should I use checkinstall or alien?
> Any suggestion is appreciate.
What you got there is a so called tarball. It's a compressed archive
and enclosed are the sources to scribus - in your case.
But this isn't a package neither a debian (deb) nor a Red Hat package (rpm).

There are two ways known to myself to install it.

Either you uncompress the source and then manually install scribus
or you get scribus as a debian package.

I suggest the second way.
So just go to the shell and then go further as root:
# apt-get scribus
and there we are, the newest version of scribus.


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1024D/EC4CE5CC 2002-05-14 Frank Brodbeck <oakenshield@gmx.net>
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