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Re: GCJ and C/C++ applications how is it possible ?

Le 22/05/02 à 23:54, dman a écrit:

dman> | See this from http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-3.1/changes.html : 
dman> | 
dman> | " # JNI and CNI invocation interfaces were implemented, so gcj-compiled Java code can now be called from a C/C++ application.
dman> I didn't know that.  That's a good feature to have.  I guess you'll
dman> have to RTFM the gcc docs to find out what that API is.  Maybe it
dman> works just like compiling a C++ library except that you'll be missing
dman> the C++ header files (unless it can generate them too).

on http://gcc.gnu.org/java/docs.html there is no manual
only a FAQ but I will read the different articles.

dman> | dman> 
dman> | dman> For GTK+ you can take a look at http://java-gnome.sourceforge.net/.
dman> | 
dman> | thank you 
dman> | I will read this
dman> Does your GTK+ app already exist in C/C++?  If not, then you can use


dman> java-gnome to write your app in Java and use the java libs directly.

it seems to be a better idea I will probably take this way.
By the way do you know if a GTK+ component has been made to
encapsulate a minimal canvas tu use EVAS ?

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