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Re: latex->xpdf

Thanks to all who responded.  pdflatex is a tool which someone told me
about, but which I couldn't find (I was looking for latexpdf or
latex2pdf or something of the like, since that is the way all the
other converters are named).  Changing /etc/texmf/dvips/updmap to
type1_default=true also fixed the problem, but using
latex->dvips->ps2pdf is a far more roundabout method than pdflatex.

Now all my text appears beautifully in both xpdf and acroread (using
pdflatex), BUT... I also have some bitmapped eps files I am
including.  These are graphs (simulink output, actually) which I had
to screengrab on an NT box, using Gimp for win32, save as a jpeg (the
NT gimp I have access to doesn't do eps, and it's not about to change)
email it to my debian box, open it in the Gimp, save it as eps, and
then use the psfig package to include it in my document.  Now, if I
use pdflatex then the eps figures don't display in either acroread or
xpdf; there is the correct space reserved for them, but it is just
blank.  If I use latex->dvips->ps2pdf then acroread displays them
correctly but not xpdf.  Does anyone have any ideas on that one?


On  0, Tom Cook <tom.cook@adelaide.edu.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am fairly new to latex, so this could easily be something I am doing
> wierd, but...
> When I use latex to convert a source file into a dvi, the dvi looks
> great.  Then when I use either dvips->gs or dvipdf to convert the dvi
> into a pdf, the pdf looks OK in acroread but unintelligable in xpdf.
> It just comes out as a series of lines of dots on the page.  The
> commands I am using are:
> # latex source.tex
> # dvips source.dvi
> # gs -sOutputFile=source.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite source.ps
> or
> # dvipdf source.dvi source.pdf
> Any ideas on why xpdf is barfing?
> Tom

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

"A child of five could understand this.  Fetch me a child of five."
	- Groucho Marx

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