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Re: Shell script anomaly

In article <[🔎] 1021429838.3106.9.camel@Gollum>,
Alex Malinovich  <demonbane@the-love-shack.net> wrote:
>I'm sure that I might be missing something obvious here, but after a few
>hours I still haven't figured it out. I'm writing a script to detect
>whether xscreensaver is running and activate it if it is. If not, it
>launches the daemon first and then activates. From the command line, the
>following returns the correct exit codes:
>if ps -A |grep -q "[x]screensaver"; then xscreensaver-command -activate
>else xscreensaver& xscreensaver-command -activate; fi
>However, if I put that exact line into a shell script and run it, the if
>ALWAYS gets evaluated as true. Any ideas?

Sure. If your script is called something like "check-xscreensaver"
the grep finds the script itself.

Why not use "pidof xscreensaver", see man pidof(8)

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