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Dial Up Machine Configuration


I am seeking hints, suggestions of documentation, pointers to
documentation etc.  

I am setting up a dial-up machine at home, to provide services to a
mini network (three or four machines).

Many packages seem to assume a permanant (or no) network
connection. These start at boot time, via the /etc/init.d/
scripts. Some also provide /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d
scripts for starting them at dialup.

However, I am trying to use diald to dialup on demand. This means that
my modem is being woken up much more often than my telephone bill
would like.

Consider for example a time server. I would like to have it running to
provide time synchronisation for all my machines, so I would like it
to start at boot. However, I do not want it to dial up regularly,
which would suggest that I should start it up at dial up.

I am (thinking about) trying to devise scripts to control things.  

It should be possible to bring up services at boot, so that they only
service the local domain. Then, on sucessful dialup, to restart them
in a mode that will make use of the link. When the dialup is broken
then it reverts to the original setting. Of course, this means that
everything will start up at the same time, and they will all probably
monopolise the phone link. So we need to prioritise the services and
so allow the user who brought the link up to get reasonable service.

Of course, I would like to be able to upgrade packages without having
to re-edit all the scripts. I am sure that I am not the only person to
want to do something like this. 

Can anyone point me at information? 



Dave Whiteley
Phone 044 (0)113 2332059
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
The University of Leeds. Leeds, LS2 9JT,  UK

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