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Re: Debian's position on MP3 encoders?

    "Jamin" == Jamin W Collins <jcollins@asgardsrealm.net> writes:

    >> If this is the case, what is the "Debian recommended" or
    >> "Debian user consensus" (if any) on an audio encoder for my
    >> CDs? I don't care if it's actually not MP3 - but it must be
    >> free, it must be legal, and reasonable performance and player
    >> choices would be nice.

    Jamin> I recently made the same journey.  I found "ogg" to be a
    Jamin> suitable format (similiar in size and quality to MP3).  I
    Jamin> highly suggest the "jack" package.  With minor
    Jamin> configuration jack happily ripped my entire audio
    Jamin> collection.  The only think that jack didn't do for me was
    Jamin> the generation of play lists.  However a quick bash script
    Jamin> fixed that.

After looking into all the suggestions I got, Jack "the ripper" is the
one that seems to work best on my system, with the ogg encoder. At a
bit rate of 160 kbps ogg sounds great. Thanks for all the suggestions.

Now if I can ask one more quetion: what's a good jukebox? I have about
180 CDs I want to rip and be able to managed. Jamin, what did you feed
those play lists into?


PS: I have to say that my hatred for file names with Spaces in them is
the only knock I have against Jack, and I suppose that is easy to fix
in the config file (which is just Python, wheee...).

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