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Re: Woody not ready, methinks

>     Michael> Attempt 4-trying the impossible: downloading a Tarball
>     Michael> over Windoze and my slow line.
> If you have a weblink that will work with linux why not just use a net
> install. The problem above is probably not with woody, but with your
> floppy drive. Floppies are notoriously unreliable, and the install
> manual (for Potato) warns against using them.
> I used a floppy install recently and found that I had similar
> problems, but I could fix them by using different floppies and
> different drives in every case.

As a matter of fact, I did grab the tarball, and did everything without a floppy
drive.  It still
errored out.  I'm not doing a net install at this point, because my potato has
been hashed
 (pun, there).  But if need be, I probably will *install potato* again, then
apt-get woody.

Part of the problem is that I am a relative newbie.

However, at this point I am thinking that there is something wrong with the
program that was set for upload.  Being a newbie, of course, I could be wrong.
But I just keep getting this nagging feeling that part of the goal of having a
web download site
is that it should be possible to do a new install by downloading the parts and
running the installation

- Michael

P.S.: I should note that I probably am not eligible to get the mini-CD [non-US
export restrictions]
and it would take longer than it's worth, since I'm off in a remote corner of the
world.  [The
restriction applies to me especially since I'm a citizen of the Land of the Free,
and a total coward
when it comes to dealing with the government of the Home of the Brave.]  I'll
just wait until I can
actually install things over the web.

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