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Re: Woody not ready, methinks

    "Michael" == Michael Rudmin <mike_rudmin@yahoo.com> writes:

    Michael> I decided to download the disk images.

    Michael> Attempt 1- Downloaded 20 images.  Took a few retries, but
    Michael> that's what a slow permanent link is good for.  Installed
    Michael> them on my hard disk on a vfat partition.  Went to
    Michael> install.  Whoops!  There is no provision for using disk
    Michael> images from the hard disk.  Have either tarball it or
    Michael> RAWRITE it.  [*That*, IMHO, should change.)

    Michael> Attempt 2-RAWrote the disks.  Went to install.  Got to
    Michael> Disk 11 -- it was no good.  Had to bomb out and try
    Michael> again.

    Michael> Attempt 3-ReRawrote Disk 11.  Went back to install again.
    Michael> Got through the entire loading procedure.  Computer
    Michael> created Tar ball out of disks, went to validate it, and
    Michael> discovered -- invalid Tarball.

    Michael> Attempt 4-trying the impossible: downloading a Tarball
    Michael> over Windoze and my slow line.

If you have a weblink that will work with linux why not just use a net
install. The problem above is probably not with woody, but with your
floppy drive. Floppies are notoriously unreliable, and the install
manual (for Potato) warns against using them. 

I used a floppy install recently and found that I had similar
problems, but I could fix them by using different floppies and
different drives in every case.

    Michael> It looks to me like Woody is not quite ready for install.

My experience has been the opposite. 


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