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Re: splitting an audio file

On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 12:30:24AM -0500, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Hi all.  is there a tool I can use to split and recombine 90-minute
> audio files so I can fit them on cds? The files I have are ogg
> files. I have, for instance, something that would probably be two
> 90-minute ogg files and I want to burn the audio onto 3 cds. They
> are spoken rather than music.  Thanks.

If nobody comes up with a solution that operates directly on the ogg
files, I'd suggest saving them back to WAV format, then using one
of the WAV editing tools (both Gnome and KDE have them, plus the
gramofile package claims to be able to split up tracks effectively).
But I haven't used any of them myself.

Eric C. Cooper          e c c @ c m u . e d u

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