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Re: Alsa and debian

On 28 Mar 2002, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> Hi! I am using woody and kernel 2.4.17. I am trying to get alsa running for my
> soundblaster live card.
> I am not using the debian packages; I am using the source from alsa-project.org
> for 0.9.0beta; I have all packages, drivers, libs and utils and have
> successfully compiled.
> The documentation says to edit the modules.conf but I remember from when I had
> alsa before that in debian we are supposed to make an alsa file in the modutils
> directory instead; has this changed?
> Also, I can't find anywhere a list of the aliases I'm supposed to put in this
> file; is there something I am overlooking?
> Right now, even when I use modprobe and load the snd-emu10k1 module by hand,
> when I try to use sound I get things like: "can't open /dev/audio; no such
> device". I assume this may be because i needed to load other modules as well.
> Help would be much appreciated here.

Ok, this may be a silly question, but, if you are trying this as user, you
belong to the audio group, right?

We have

faheem ~>ls -la /dev/audio
crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,   4 Apr 14  2001 /dev/audio

If you haven't you can do so using the command

adduser username audio

Remember to log out and back in again so the change can take effect.

If this not your problem, let us know.

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