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Re: Accented characters with unstable

On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 12:03:24PM +0100, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
> > I can not yet master the voodoo of keyboard config, but from root, try
> > "dpkg-reconfigure locales" and add, for example "it_IT ISO-8859-1" or
> > "it_IT@euro ISO-8859-15" for euro support (i don't like the translated
> > message so i've checked also "en_US ISO-8859-1"). 
> > 
> > Now modify your LANG enviroment variable (or you can do globally
> > modifying /etc/environment) with something like "export
> > LANG=it_IT@euro"...
> > 
> > Hope this helps.
> It works !!!

It worked for me as well! I've been struggling with getting Irish
language text to display properly. Rather than showing αινσσ, I was
seeing \### where ### seemed to be some encoding value rather than the
character. Woo hoo! =)

Now, for the next question: how to I tell mutt and tin to display the
extended characters? I can more my email archives and see the accented
characters, but when I try to read them with mutt, they're still be
displayed with the above encoding instead...

Darryl L. Pierce <mcpierce@telocity.com> 
Visit the Infobahn Offramp @ <http://welcome.to/mcpierce>
"What do you care what other people think, Mr. Feynman?"

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